Jackie is not reaching for parts of John's brain but for parts of the squib. It's not an assassination but an escapade on the largest scale, leaving a generational media-inflicted wound it its wake.
After the event, there were many coincidences pointed out between JFK and Lincoln; here's one that was completely missed: an EXTREMELY LIFELIKE Animatronic President Lincoln was unveiled at the 1964 New York World's Fair. I think they use Animatrons A LOT (including in Butler PA, playing the dead shooter)
As I started to say, there's a photo floating around of Cord Meyer (CIA honcho), Jackie, Cord's then wife/later JFK gf Mary Pinchot Meyer, and JFK, sitting together on a couch looking like they have been caught swapping spouses for the evening. Jackie and Jack were probably both CIA. Mary's best friend was the wife of CIA honcho James Jesus Angleton. They might have went off-planet to get him healed up (and extend their lives?); that would explain the need for a cover story involving his and Mary's deaths, as they were going to be GONE. His Secret Service men were reportedly hungover that day, easily explained by a going away party for their boss. (Mary was reported to be "not that upset" by the news of her bf's assassination..
I doubt the Kennedys shown in the Zapruder film were even the real ones. Real murder or not, they probably had doubles in their places for scenarios like this, not only to trick people but also for security purposes. What we're likely looking at are a bunch of stand-ins doing their live performance of the century.
The real Jack & Jackie were probably long gone by then, safely watching from afar in their padded hideouts. Remember that the presidential motorcade made a few stops prior to reaching Dealey Plaza, including one under a bridge or inside a tunnel, if my memory serves me right. They had plenty of time to swap the cars or the people in them when few were looking before the "assassination" took place.
Think of it this way: do you really believe JFK wouldn't have noticed that his enemies were dying to kill him whenever possible, including people within the Secret Service? If his talk about "secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings" and how they threaten "free and open societies" was anything to go by, he certainly knew or, at least, had an inkling that he and his country were prime targets for liquidation. For those reasons, he certainly would've taken stricter security measures to avert harm, even with lackluster Secret Service protection (e.g., hiring private security to be with him if SS won't suffice). That includes procuring doppelgangers to take his place in high-stake scenarios like the one in Dealey Plaza.
Plus, even JFK himself spoke of the likelihood of being killed in the manner in which he would later "die" of shortly before that happened. According to Kennedy aide Kenneth O'Donnell, the president quipped that "if anybody really wanted to shoot the President of the United States, it was not a very difficult job — all one had to do was get a high building some day with a telescopic rifle, and there was nothing anybody could do to defend against such an attempt on the President's life."
Nothing, except - perhaps - planting Secret Service or military detail inside or near such buildings in case something like this happened. With the vast resources of the federal gov't at his disposal, I don't see why he couldn't have done that, and nothing would really stop him from trying. Or, using his family's vast fortune, hiring a few dozen private security personnel to do the job, instead. Considering the Kennedys were billionaires by today's standards, hiring a sizable army of 50-100 private security personnel wouldn't have phased them too much financially.
This description eerily parallels the official narrative of the assassination - Oswald shooting Kennedy from a multi-story building with a telescopic rifle - which in itself is peculiar. What are the odds that he could be so prophetically specific about something that reportedly later happened in real life at Dealey Plaza? I'd bet a million dollars the odds would be slim. To me, this comment is further evidence that the event was staged, and that JFK was well-aware of what could happen and took no serious action to stop it, knowing he won't be harmed in the process. It would also explain why he allegedly turned down extra SS protection at the last minute before his Dallas trip, which never made sense at all, even in 1963.
So he had Addison disease, its not fatal, nor does it sound debilitating in any way. Seems like a bunch of complicated lies just because of this diagnosis? I don't know, its weird.
The stress of the presidency alone would've worsened his health and stressed him out, even with one term. That would've been good enough reason to fake his death or resign. Same thing with Abe Lincoln a century earlier.
I always though that part of his head flapping about like it did was strange but never even surmised that it could have been trickery, what with JFK being a hero and all that. Very interesting movie/documentary/article.
Interesting, but he covered it with a broad swath, with no mention of the squib or how it was done. I think he's wrong about there being that a body double was used in the car. No need with the squib!
His conclusion is inline with one of Jay's, "The faked assassination was used to fool the Mob, to frame the Mob, and to get John out of the line of sight until the war was won. As I say, this was only one reason of many to take the Presidency underground in 1963."
Well, up to the last part. I am not convinced of that being the reason either. The most convincing to me is him wanting a Lincoln-like legacy. Anyway, Miles is way ahead of most, and was just missing this vital part. I emailed him asking him if he's seen this new info, thanks.
Miles Mathis did not take to the topic with much elegance. I have read through his pages before and went away unimpressed (he is wilfully ignorant of 5g/emf). He's intelligent iirc... but the name's thing is classic, its like a badge. Here ya go.
Greetings Miles, someone shared your post on the fake Kennedy assassination, and i was wondering if you have seen the movie JFK X?
No, I haven't seen it, but I assume it is more misdirection.
I already figured it out, without watching it. We know Weidner is an agent, so he has stolen my theory without mentioning me, then done his best to make it look stupid while pretending to sell it. He adds a lot of ridiculous commentary that no one will believe, on purpose. Any other questions?
It won't go anywhere, just like all his other work. He has never had any penetration, except with other agents. And not even there.
You figured out the squib? To me that was the only thing that mattered in this whole affair. That is the big lie which starts it off, that Jackie is jumping for parts of his brains. Once you know that nothing else matters, it all a waste of time.
However, its a breathe of fresh air to realize its fake. Congrats on figuring it out too in this age of the psyop.
There is no squib, get lost. You're already in spam, Mr. Armstrong. You think I can't read you from your name alone?
Your summation of his response "Miles Mathis did not take to the topic with much elegance." was truly elegant. Calm in the face of whatever-that-was--very admirable.
I found the video intriguing, and I'm still trying to process everything in it. I've always thought how odd it was that Jackie reached back over the trunk of the car instead of tendng to her husband. And for her to say she was reaching for a piece of his brain was just weird. So what she did makes sense now, knowing about the squib, but I still struggle with why wouldn't he just NOT run for re-election? I have trouble buying the idea that he went along with the murders of innocent people so that he could "die" a hero, like Lincoln. But I'm going to get my husband to watch it and get his take on it. If it's different from mine, I'll tell you what it is.
Thank you Pepper for following up, and it'll be interesting if your husband has the same reaction. Just like you, that part always was the most puzzling to me, and I think her reaching for the brain parts never made sense, but the squib does.
There's another comment in the thread that describes the health ailments he was under at the time. It seems like it would have been impossible for him to be re-elected, and in this movie they show that the Arlington grave of JFK was dug up in '67, hinting at this was his real burial.
I knew he had back problems, but not all those other ailments. He hid them very well. That re-burial is pretty suspicious, I agree. Why would they have done that unless he really did die then? It's hard to know what to believe!
Do you feel a bit liberated though? I do. Maybe its just me cause I was in the womb when this happened, and I always thought about how I was born into a trauma I didn't choose upon incarnation. Now I know it was all a lie to begin with, and I was born into a lie, but now know the truth. So to me its liberating.
I was only about 1. And being bought up in NZ it didn’t really become part of my reality until I was in my 20s so no allegiance here and I don’t date anything in my life to it. Would have had more impact on my parents.
Reaching for your husbands brains is insane. But I still have trouble with this version. I know that TCTB are a problem, and that much history is first done as theatre, but this is still a stretch for me.
Yes, I do. The more I think about it, this version probably makes more sense than any of the others out there. I thought the Stone movie and others I've seen had the truth, but now I'm sure they didn't. I was 9 when JFK died, and even then I read the newspaper and watched the news and 60 Minutes (that's when it was good). I've always been interested in learning new things. I'm glad you made that comment on Cindy's SS so I could have the chance to see the video.
I think getting onto the younger generation who aren't invested in any narratives is a great idea. I wonder how interested they would be in the truth though?
Should we assume that those said to have died really did? Couldn't their deaths be faked just as JFK's was and the supposed deaths be propaganda targeted to the disbelievers of the lone gunman story? Really, is there anything to be believed that relates to the JFK assassination ... and even certain things while he was alive? I've written a post exposing the fakery of the Operation Northwoods false-flag proposal that was supposedly not approved by the President. What do we really know to be true about the Bay of Pigs story?
Its difficult to predict with this with them, but I have asked a few and the responses were blank stares haha. But its true that they have little social conditioning around the topic as well, with no cultural narratives to refer to, only school studies.
In my imagination, when the film Assassination is released, a dozen clips of JFX X broke down for the Tiktok Insta X format are delivered and flood the zone.
When Ryder first sent me this film, I wasn't impressed to the slow start of laying the foundation, but, near the last 1/2 when Jay Weidner got talking using his background in media tech knowledge (squibs & such) & the splices from the Zapruder film... also the president's well-hidden fatal illness, mob double crossings, I have NO DOUBT this is the CLOSEST to the TRUTH we have ever gotten from any independent film..... If only they would have included ALL the contrary lovefests going on in the Whitehouse at that time!
Same here, I wanted to fast forward. However, I went back and listened to Ryder a second and third time, because he does a great job actually, its just that we have been conditioned to reject any talk about this subject.
NO, He does a great job laying out the foundation.... But for me, my brain NEEDS constant motion to keep in engaged. Nothing against Ryder, We're good. It's all me.
It wasn't the subject matter, it's my brain processor is a bit wonky.
We are all a bit like that now, as these devices are changing our ability to focus on things that are not constantly engaged with our input. Just receiving passively, like a TV or movie, is no longer capturing us.
Outright retiring would probably have brought Kennedy a lot of problems, such as the public growing suspicious as to why he resigned from the Oval Office when they needed him the most. Even if they explained why he retired, it wouldn't be enough to quench public incredulity about the whole thing.
Plus, he may have wanted to leave in an epic fashion, which might explain his fake assassination. Not only would it misdirect suspicions from him and onto the usual suspects (LBJ, CIA, the Mafia, etc.), it would also solidify his almost godlike status as a political legend, thereby boosting his image.
I can’t help but remember Jackie setting up JFK’s memory. The eternal flame. Camelot BS, and the whole show. She knew exactly what she wanted. Isn’t that strange for a young grieving wife and mother? Who coached John John to salute? Looking back it all seems so staged.
The scenario where the world’s most powerful man decides one day that he’d rather spend the rest of his life in hiding so he can show to the world (that he’s no longer part of) that he was shot like Lincoln? If you start from the why there are many better theories than this one that don’t include this problematic why of the “faked his death” idea. It’s always prudent to consider both when formulating a theory. I’m afraid this one is flimsy. It’s interesting nonetheless but is less convincing than most.
You're running with a thread of an explanation (because you asked for one) when the answer is "for whatever reason."
There's nothing theoretical about the squib. Its his professional expertise, its right there in the clip, and it explains How this was done. Why? Who knows, that's not my care either.
What would be helpful is to get a number of other squib experts to look at this and confirm Jay's professional explanation.
You take the squib as an undeniable fact. Nothing is an absolute. You need to take all information together to form a coherent whole. You can’t hang your hat on any one piece of information and cry “solved!” At least this has been my experience with these things and glaring omissions like what the fuck did Kennedy do afterwards? Sit in a room with the curtains drawn and play monopoly for the rest of his life - a man, like Kennedy? And that’s not the half of it. The squib idea raises many other unanswered questions... I appreciate the theory but you’re too invested in a half baked idea.
I didn't say that at all its proved. In fact I (maybe you didn't see my edit) that I think it needs substantiation. You said "theoretical" and I pointed out that there's plenty of evidence, but substantial and circumstantial.
Let me ask you, have you even watched the film? No. you've not. You are an expert without viewing the evidence. This is your defense mechanism.
What's to buy? You are looking for all the pieces to be laid out for you in a deductive manner. Who knows what their motivation was, how could we even know? You are reaching for something outside of what can be known, and dismiss everything we can see and know.
I'n not here to convince you. You either see the squib and accept the consequences or stay in lala land.
A man like Kennedy, one of the finest minds of his generation, who led the most powerful and wealthy nation on earth fakes his death, never to be seen again so he can... What? Sit quietly in a room and reminisce about past glory? Never to have an active role in the field of humanity ever again. To voluntarily become a shadow, an absolute nobody lest his secret ever surface? Ridiculous. Squib or no squib this scenario makes no sense.
He was still merely a figurehead--a sick one at that. He probably cared about his legacy and the powers that be ALWAYS care about psyops. It's a win-win.
The President had a fatal illness.... He had double crossed the MOB that got him in...The Zapruder film was EDITTED. The squib can be seen in all it's glory clear as day . It is also said that the car had a false seat underneath for him to hide & escape while all the ruckus was going on.
He was ILL with Addisons disease...He used Demerol and methadone for pain, barbiturates to help him sleep, an amphetamine, thyroid hormone, and an anti-anxiety medication, and injections of gamma globulins to fight infection.... He took the way out that was the most DIGNIFIED for such a beloved man. He didn't give a rat's ass about glory or becoming a "shadow". You know NOT what You speak of.
What scenario doesn't make sense? Has much made sense to you the past four years? It hasn't to me. He only had a few years to live. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense, that's not what the issue is here. Does it makes sense that LBJ is flirting with Jackie a week after his 'death,' that LBJ never once in those four calls even bothers to pretend that she lost her husband?
Its whether you can see this for what it is or not. I am happy I can see it and that I can accept the untold consequences. The world is a lie, our governments lie. That's too big a truth for most to handle.
I think the 'Why' is a very interesting question as it brings up a lot of issues in people. But I only think its that way if you can accept the How first. Otherwise, its just used as an escape hatch. I can't tell you how many people have said your conditioned response "why would they do that" over the past four years.
Finally though, a friend called me up a bit ago. He and I had a row of disagreement. He was saying what you are now, "why" That doesn't make sense! Anyway, a couple years later he came around, he said:
"I just couldn't imagine myself capable of those deeds, so I couldn't imagine it for anyone else either.'
After the event, there were many coincidences pointed out between JFK and Lincoln; here's one that was completely missed: an EXTREMELY LIFELIKE Animatronic President Lincoln was unveiled at the 1964 New York World's Fair. I think they use Animatrons A LOT (including in Butler PA, playing the dead shooter)
(man I do not like how substack handles comments)
As I started to say, there's a photo floating around of Cord Meyer (CIA honcho), Jackie, Cord's then wife/later JFK gf Mary Pinchot Meyer, and JFK, sitting together on a couch looking like they have been caught swapping spouses for the evening. Jackie and Jack were probably both CIA. Mary's best friend was the wife of CIA honcho James Jesus Angleton. They might have went off-planet to get him healed up (and extend their lives?); that would explain the need for a cover story involving his and Mary's deaths, as they were going to be GONE. His Secret Service men were reportedly hungover that day, easily explained by a going away party for their boss. (Mary was reported to be "not that upset" by the news of her bf's assassination..
and now we know THE REST OF THE STORY!)
Right, the rest of the story is quite liberating I felt haha.
George de Morenschildt was a family friend of the Bouviers and also magically! Oswald's handler in Dallas. There's a
I doubt the Kennedys shown in the Zapruder film were even the real ones. Real murder or not, they probably had doubles in their places for scenarios like this, not only to trick people but also for security purposes. What we're likely looking at are a bunch of stand-ins doing their live performance of the century.
The real Jack & Jackie were probably long gone by then, safely watching from afar in their padded hideouts. Remember that the presidential motorcade made a few stops prior to reaching Dealey Plaza, including one under a bridge or inside a tunnel, if my memory serves me right. They had plenty of time to swap the cars or the people in them when few were looking before the "assassination" took place.
Think of it this way: do you really believe JFK wouldn't have noticed that his enemies were dying to kill him whenever possible, including people within the Secret Service? If his talk about "secret societies, secret oaths, and secret proceedings" and how they threaten "free and open societies" was anything to go by, he certainly knew or, at least, had an inkling that he and his country were prime targets for liquidation. For those reasons, he certainly would've taken stricter security measures to avert harm, even with lackluster Secret Service protection (e.g., hiring private security to be with him if SS won't suffice). That includes procuring doppelgangers to take his place in high-stake scenarios like the one in Dealey Plaza.
Plus, even JFK himself spoke of the likelihood of being killed in the manner in which he would later "die" of shortly before that happened. According to Kennedy aide Kenneth O'Donnell, the president quipped that "if anybody really wanted to shoot the President of the United States, it was not a very difficult job — all one had to do was get a high building some day with a telescopic rifle, and there was nothing anybody could do to defend against such an attempt on the President's life."
Nothing, except - perhaps - planting Secret Service or military detail inside or near such buildings in case something like this happened. With the vast resources of the federal gov't at his disposal, I don't see why he couldn't have done that, and nothing would really stop him from trying. Or, using his family's vast fortune, hiring a few dozen private security personnel to do the job, instead. Considering the Kennedys were billionaires by today's standards, hiring a sizable army of 50-100 private security personnel wouldn't have phased them too much financially.
This description eerily parallels the official narrative of the assassination - Oswald shooting Kennedy from a multi-story building with a telescopic rifle - which in itself is peculiar. What are the odds that he could be so prophetically specific about something that reportedly later happened in real life at Dealey Plaza? I'd bet a million dollars the odds would be slim. To me, this comment is further evidence that the event was staged, and that JFK was well-aware of what could happen and took no serious action to stop it, knowing he won't be harmed in the process. It would also explain why he allegedly turned down extra SS protection at the last minute before his Dallas trip, which never made sense at all, even in 1963.
So he had Addison disease, its not fatal, nor does it sound debilitating in any way. Seems like a bunch of complicated lies just because of this diagnosis? I don't know, its weird.
The stress of the presidency alone would've worsened his health and stressed him out, even with one term. That would've been good enough reason to fake his death or resign. Same thing with Abe Lincoln a century earlier.
He died three years later from it.
Great stuff Jerome. Thanks. I never knew what a squib was.
Here is something else to consider (Thanks to my friend RR, for sending me this site):
I always though that part of his head flapping about like it did was strange but never even surmised that it could have been trickery, what with JFK being a hero and all that. Very interesting movie/documentary/article.
He’s a hero like Lincoln. There was a tell in the movie like that from a historian jfk learned from so a potential motivation. Idk
Miles Mathis covered this years ago: http://mileswmathis.com/barindex2.pdf
Interesting, but he covered it with a broad swath, with no mention of the squib or how it was done. I think he's wrong about there being that a body double was used in the car. No need with the squib!
His conclusion is inline with one of Jay's, "The faked assassination was used to fool the Mob, to frame the Mob, and to get John out of the line of sight until the war was won. As I say, this was only one reason of many to take the Presidency underground in 1963."
Well, up to the last part. I am not convinced of that being the reason either. The most convincing to me is him wanting a Lincoln-like legacy. Anyway, Miles is way ahead of most, and was just missing this vital part. I emailed him asking him if he's seen this new info, thanks.
Thank you for all of your effort! Much appreciated by so many.
Miles Mathis did not take to the topic with much elegance. I have read through his pages before and went away unimpressed (he is wilfully ignorant of 5g/emf). He's intelligent iirc... but the name's thing is classic, its like a badge. Here ya go.
Greetings Miles, someone shared your post on the fake Kennedy assassination, and i was wondering if you have seen the movie JFK X?
No, I haven't seen it, but I assume it is more misdirection.
I already figured it out, without watching it. We know Weidner is an agent, so he has stolen my theory without mentioning me, then done his best to make it look stupid while pretending to sell it. He adds a lot of ridiculous commentary that no one will believe, on purpose. Any other questions?
It won't go anywhere, just like all his other work. He has never had any penetration, except with other agents. And not even there.
You figured out the squib? To me that was the only thing that mattered in this whole affair. That is the big lie which starts it off, that Jackie is jumping for parts of his brains. Once you know that nothing else matters, it all a waste of time.
However, its a breathe of fresh air to realize its fake. Congrats on figuring it out too in this age of the psyop.
There is no squib, get lost. You're already in spam, Mr. Armstrong. You think I can't read you from your name alone?
Thanks :)
Your summation of his response "Miles Mathis did not take to the topic with much elegance." was truly elegant. Calm in the face of whatever-that-was--very admirable.
Jay gives a lot of great background info in this podcast vid.
Intell Wars Part Two: JFKX https://youtu.be/qIvz4mDacvE?si=qeHgba7kSyuBt4fF
I realized this morning that I said JFK died when I was 9. Shows how hard it is to change how you think about things!
Hi Jerome. I'm the person from Cindy Sheehan's substack that asked you about your comment there. I watched the video free on Tubi. Here's the link for anyone else who wants to see it there: https://tubitv.com/movies/100012003/jfk-x-solving-the-crime-of-the-century
I found the video intriguing, and I'm still trying to process everything in it. I've always thought how odd it was that Jackie reached back over the trunk of the car instead of tendng to her husband. And for her to say she was reaching for a piece of his brain was just weird. So what she did makes sense now, knowing about the squib, but I still struggle with why wouldn't he just NOT run for re-election? I have trouble buying the idea that he went along with the murders of innocent people so that he could "die" a hero, like Lincoln. But I'm going to get my husband to watch it and get his take on it. If it's different from mine, I'll tell you what it is.
Thank you Pepper for following up, and it'll be interesting if your husband has the same reaction. Just like you, that part always was the most puzzling to me, and I think her reaching for the brain parts never made sense, but the squib does.
There's another comment in the thread that describes the health ailments he was under at the time. It seems like it would have been impossible for him to be re-elected, and in this movie they show that the Arlington grave of JFK was dug up in '67, hinting at this was his real burial.
I knew he had back problems, but not all those other ailments. He hid them very well. That re-burial is pretty suspicious, I agree. Why would they have done that unless he really did die then? It's hard to know what to believe!
Do you feel a bit liberated though? I do. Maybe its just me cause I was in the womb when this happened, and I always thought about how I was born into a trauma I didn't choose upon incarnation. Now I know it was all a lie to begin with, and I was born into a lie, but now know the truth. So to me its liberating.
I was only about 1. And being bought up in NZ it didn’t really become part of my reality until I was in my 20s so no allegiance here and I don’t date anything in my life to it. Would have had more impact on my parents.
Reaching for your husbands brains is insane. But I still have trouble with this version. I know that TCTB are a problem, and that much history is first done as theatre, but this is still a stretch for me.
What is TCTB?
The cunts that be.
Yes, I do. The more I think about it, this version probably makes more sense than any of the others out there. I thought the Stone movie and others I've seen had the truth, but now I'm sure they didn't. I was 9 when JFK died, and even then I read the newspaper and watched the news and 60 Minutes (that's when it was good). I've always been interested in learning new things. I'm glad you made that comment on Cindy's SS so I could have the chance to see the video.
JFK X is certainly the most plausible theory I have seen on this topic to this day.
Thanks for the feedback. I love this revelation and knowing the truth.
I think getting onto the younger generation who aren't invested in any narratives is a great idea. I wonder how interested they would be in the truth though?
Should we assume that those said to have died really did? Couldn't their deaths be faked just as JFK's was and the supposed deaths be propaganda targeted to the disbelievers of the lone gunman story? Really, is there anything to be believed that relates to the JFK assassination ... and even certain things while he was alive? I've written a post exposing the fakery of the Operation Northwoods false-flag proposal that was supposedly not approved by the President. What do we really know to be true about the Bay of Pigs story?
Its difficult to predict with this with them, but I have asked a few and the responses were blank stares haha. But its true that they have little social conditioning around the topic as well, with no cultural narratives to refer to, only school studies.
In my imagination, when the film Assassination is released, a dozen clips of JFX X broke down for the Tiktok Insta X format are delivered and flood the zone.
When Ryder first sent me this film, I wasn't impressed to the slow start of laying the foundation, but, near the last 1/2 when Jay Weidner got talking using his background in media tech knowledge (squibs & such) & the splices from the Zapruder film... also the president's well-hidden fatal illness, mob double crossings, I have NO DOUBT this is the CLOSEST to the TRUTH we have ever gotten from any independent film..... If only they would have included ALL the contrary lovefests going on in the Whitehouse at that time!
Same here, I wanted to fast forward. However, I went back and listened to Ryder a second and third time, because he does a great job actually, its just that we have been conditioned to reject any talk about this subject.
NO, He does a great job laying out the foundation.... But for me, my brain NEEDS constant motion to keep in engaged. Nothing against Ryder, We're good. It's all me.
It wasn't the subject matter, it's my brain processor is a bit wonky.
We are all a bit like that now, as these devices are changing our ability to focus on things that are not constantly engaged with our input. Just receiving passively, like a TV or movie, is no longer capturing us.
But why? Couldn’t he just retire?
Outright retiring would probably have brought Kennedy a lot of problems, such as the public growing suspicious as to why he resigned from the Oval Office when they needed him the most. Even if they explained why he retired, it wouldn't be enough to quench public incredulity about the whole thing.
Plus, he may have wanted to leave in an epic fashion, which might explain his fake assassination. Not only would it misdirect suspicions from him and onto the usual suspects (LBJ, CIA, the Mafia, etc.), it would also solidify his almost godlike status as a political legend, thereby boosting his image.
I can’t help but remember Jackie setting up JFK’s memory. The eternal flame. Camelot BS, and the whole show. She knew exactly what she wanted. Isn’t that strange for a young grieving wife and mother? Who coached John John to salute? Looking back it all seems so staged.
Yea, we got another banger squib psyop this week. Its like a tribute to Kennedy.
Jay's point was that he would not go out a hero like Lincoln in that case.
That’s it? That’s the whole motivation for the ruse, so Kennedy could be perceived as some martyr? I don’t buy it.
The scenario where the world’s most powerful man decides one day that he’d rather spend the rest of his life in hiding so he can show to the world (that he’s no longer part of) that he was shot like Lincoln? If you start from the why there are many better theories than this one that don’t include this problematic why of the “faked his death” idea. It’s always prudent to consider both when formulating a theory. I’m afraid this one is flimsy. It’s interesting nonetheless but is less convincing than most.
You're running with a thread of an explanation (because you asked for one) when the answer is "for whatever reason."
There's nothing theoretical about the squib. Its his professional expertise, its right there in the clip, and it explains How this was done. Why? Who knows, that's not my care either.
What would be helpful is to get a number of other squib experts to look at this and confirm Jay's professional explanation.
You take the squib as an undeniable fact. Nothing is an absolute. You need to take all information together to form a coherent whole. You can’t hang your hat on any one piece of information and cry “solved!” At least this has been my experience with these things and glaring omissions like what the fuck did Kennedy do afterwards? Sit in a room with the curtains drawn and play monopoly for the rest of his life - a man, like Kennedy? And that’s not the half of it. The squib idea raises many other unanswered questions... I appreciate the theory but you’re too invested in a half baked idea.
Watch the movie. Its $1.99 We've argued for an hour when you could have just seen it and be more informed.
I didn't say that at all its proved. In fact I (maybe you didn't see my edit) that I think it needs substantiation. You said "theoretical" and I pointed out that there's plenty of evidence, but substantial and circumstantial.
Let me ask you, have you even watched the film? No. you've not. You are an expert without viewing the evidence. This is your defense mechanism.
What's to buy? You are looking for all the pieces to be laid out for you in a deductive manner. Who knows what their motivation was, how could we even know? You are reaching for something outside of what can be known, and dismiss everything we can see and know.
I'n not here to convince you. You either see the squib and accept the consequences or stay in lala land.
A man like Kennedy, one of the finest minds of his generation, who led the most powerful and wealthy nation on earth fakes his death, never to be seen again so he can... What? Sit quietly in a room and reminisce about past glory? Never to have an active role in the field of humanity ever again. To voluntarily become a shadow, an absolute nobody lest his secret ever surface? Ridiculous. Squib or no squib this scenario makes no sense.
He was still merely a figurehead--a sick one at that. He probably cared about his legacy and the powers that be ALWAYS care about psyops. It's a win-win.
The President had a fatal illness.... He had double crossed the MOB that got him in...The Zapruder film was EDITTED. The squib can be seen in all it's glory clear as day . It is also said that the car had a false seat underneath for him to hide & escape while all the ruckus was going on.
He was ILL with Addisons disease...He used Demerol and methadone for pain, barbiturates to help him sleep, an amphetamine, thyroid hormone, and an anti-anxiety medication, and injections of gamma globulins to fight infection.... He took the way out that was the most DIGNIFIED for such a beloved man. He didn't give a rat's ass about glory or becoming a "shadow". You know NOT what You speak of.
What scenario doesn't make sense? Has much made sense to you the past four years? It hasn't to me. He only had a few years to live. It doesn't matter whether it makes sense, that's not what the issue is here. Does it makes sense that LBJ is flirting with Jackie a week after his 'death,' that LBJ never once in those four calls even bothers to pretend that she lost her husband?
Its whether you can see this for what it is or not. I am happy I can see it and that I can accept the untold consequences. The world is a lie, our governments lie. That's too big a truth for most to handle.
I think the 'Why' is a very interesting question as it brings up a lot of issues in people. But I only think its that way if you can accept the How first. Otherwise, its just used as an escape hatch. I can't tell you how many people have said your conditioned response "why would they do that" over the past four years.
Finally though, a friend called me up a bit ago. He and I had a row of disagreement. He was saying what you are now, "why" That doesn't make sense! Anyway, a couple years later he came around, he said:
"I just couldn't imagine myself capable of those deeds, so I couldn't imagine it for anyone else either.'
'Sorry, I can,' was my reply.