fake-JFK X Movie Kennedy Squib-assassination
Jackie is not reaching for parts of John's brain but for parts of the squib. It's not an assassination but an escapade on the largest scale, leaving a generational media-inflicted wound it its wake.
Let's talk about the Kennedy conspiracy in JFK X! $1.99 I paid onAmazon. And hosted free here.
My initial reaction before seeing this film was one of hesitancy. I had a built-in ‘don’t go there because there’s no end.’ A rabbit hole feeling was at the root. Even while initially watching, I wanted to fast forward through Ryder Lee’s voice so as not to hear it all again (even though I don’t recall ever hearing it before)— One of the successes of the psyop is having this built into us all we don’t want to hear about JFK’s assassination anymore!
But I got through it and heard what Jay said happened. Then it all clicked to see it in this new light. There’s not much to doubt. So what now? Well, first off, will anyone else even watch it? With the internet, it’s possible (though not in this format— it has to be in 5-10 minute segments for the internet to reach the masses).
Second, “What do you get out of it?” Negating what they have lessens their hold on your knowledge once you know. That is a real power. It changes the playing field of your mind by stripping it of conditioned history.
Why is not the right Why
"Why did Jackie Kennedy climb on the back of the car?"
“With that came blood, bone fragments, brain material. Mrs Kennedy then started to get up on the trunk: she was trying to reach some of that material that had come out of the president's head. I grabbed hold of her when I got up on top of the car and helped her get back into the back seat."
Brains, yuch! This is the visceral root of it all. This is why many, myself included, don’t even want to look at the topic. I didn’t want to, and I had to force my mind to go there. At some point, I flipped. Then I rewatched the movie two more times (my ‘review’ is not a substitute for seeing the film).
You know what Jackie’s retrieving? Two pieces of the squib (which looks like a black balloon). First, she grasps the bigger black piece with her left hand at 2-3 seconds in. Then she grabs a smaller piece with her right hand at 3-4 seconds.
We all knew there was something off about Jackie’s reaction. Looking at it from the squib POV, you see what’s happening. She’s a smooth operator.
The Real Why?
Why did John and Jackie Kennedy cast a spell over America that day? Was it for lasting fame, the safety of others, or bribery? Who knows? There was bribery involved. Look at this:
“For whatever reason,” winds Jay Weidner, who plays a happenstance role in revealing the hidden clue. Jay has a long film career and has worked with many a squib with stunts for fake gunshot wounds, so he’s the expert, but he hardly spends any time on the Why. It's OK; he’s done the heavy lifting explaining How they pulled this off.
The Movie’s Reveal
This movie reveals that JFK used a squib to place it on the side of his forehead and explode, with the help of Jackie.
squib | /skwib/ A squib is a small plastic firework device that mimics a bullet/arrow/object hitting a person, exploding with fake blood.
John placed the squib onto the side of his face (this is the so-called neckshot), and then Jackie pulled the cord of the exploding device (the so-called headshot), and John reacted to it, making it look like a gunshot impact. Jackie picked up the pieces—the woman fixing the man’s mess.
Now is the moment of return. Sixty years later, the truth of what happened becomes known. They pulled off the switcheroo after the squib. LBJ became President, and the CIA kept the cover with the media. It stuck for sixty years, but the cover is blown.
What happened for real was that John went off to die (in ‘67, the movie hints) in peace as a hero, and Jackie went off to have fun, flirt, and laugh. That’s it, that’s the end! Anything else you heard or read is a lie, disinfo, a psyop, all fiction. Now you know the truth. Be happy; let the chips fall!
Why Now?
Film technology. Look at the copies of copies of the Z film that we’ve seen:
Compare it to the visually enhanced version:
Look at everyone in the car, with their eyes on John (holding the squib up to his face) while Jackie pulls the cord.
Solving the Crime of the Century
A fake assassination was pulled off using a squib and managed as stagecraft for John to escape.
I often think about escaping. Imagine doing it as President. Only those few who needed to know knew. And they shut up. They had strong loyalty to authority. They made a reality happen that ended for them (they knew it was fake), whereas it began for everyone else. And now, they are all gone.
Is that not magic? And at the widest level, societal magic? To be able to send everyone one way, generation after generation, when the entire truth is the exact opposite, is certainly deceptively occult.
“A squib did it,” Jay Wiedner
That’s what it all comes down to. The length of the history of our Americanhood, the JFK Camelot myth— a squib, ever since 1964 until now. Even its most recent Kennedy offspring in the political Presidential arena self-purportedly speaks of a vaccine injury—perfect 60-year timing. Our trauma is the bump in the night for the collective spirit of cohesiveness.
JFK X is a mental game-changer. It’s an escape from conventional trauma to a place of belly laughs. I congratulate the research of Jay Weidner. He has been on Jean-Claude’s Beyond Mystic Rumble station (where
also has some recent shows and probably how I was introduced). Clif is a guy who has figured out a way to look around the curve, bend, or arc to see what is coming better than most. Jay Weidner seems the same. They are probably friends. The Late Boomers have figured it all out, much to the chagrin of their older siblings.Generational Trauma for Boomers
First, two dates.
November 22nd, 1963. The Fake Assasination.
March 6th, 1975. This is when they released the full Z film, contradicting the government’s assertions a decade ago—and a second wave of societal trauma hit America.
Have you ever wondered why there’s a sad sop of ‘easy listening’ pop in the mid-70s that had wide mass appeal? It’s cause America was in a big funk after they found out the government lies— pop culture used Hands Across America and the 200 Bicentennial to get us all going again.
Eleven years, three months, two weeks apart. These two events separate Boomers from Gen X imo. Boomers remember the latter event, if not the former. Gen Xers don’t recall either societal trauma.
I was alive for the latter date but not yet aware. My awareness kicks in around the funk, so I recall all those songs—I would walk to 6th-grade school singing Mandy by Barry Manilow—That’s some real self-inflicted trauma.
Rob Riener, who is in on the gig with a"Who Killed JFK?" podcast, had this to say:
One thing that you've said that struck me, and this is a thematic thing, is that this podcast thing is motivated by the loss of innocence that happened that day. There was a loss of innocence, certainly for young people, but really for most Americans…. People of my generation ... That theme, that loss of innocence as a throughline through your work, how do you feel about that and has that changed for you over your career?
RR: I think you made a good point. It is a loss of innocence. I mean, you look at your mom and dad and you look at, in this case, the President and the First Lady. These are father/mother figures. These are people that you look up to. And like I said, the country was in a very good place at the time. And all of a sudden you think, "Oh, wait a minute. The government is lying to me? They're lying about this?" That really hurts.
And you look at where people were at the time, I think the approval rating for people trusting the government was [above 70 percent] at the time.
Generational Trauma for Gen X
Or the epigenetic shadow of social trauma.
For whatever reason, I think of this whole issue as being generational, and so does the WaPost when Ann Hornaday wrote about Oliver Stone’s 1991 JFK movie in 2021:
For baby boomers, it was a film that tapped into still-raw generational loss. For Gen-Xers, it defined all they knew about Kennedy and his death. Its form pushed visual language to visceral new extremes. Its content helped introduce a new generation to America’s long conspiratorial tradition. “JFK” is still with us, in style and substance.
Allan Dulles, whom Oliver Stone castigated beyond doubt and still does today, gets a makeover.
He is more convinced than ever that Allen Dulles, who headed the CIA until Kennedy fired him in 1961, is at the center of it all. “He was on the Warren Commission, and he was the guy who attended the most meetings,” Stone says. “He supervised everything and made sure the CIA never really cooperated with the Warren Commission or gave them what they wanted.”
Rather than being in the middle of a conspiracy to kill the President, Dulles is seen as the last-stop gamekeeper. Dulles ensured no one got close, even if that meant he would take the hit in the media.
The WaPost reported that “In 1991, “JFK’s” critics called it the most dangerous movie in America.” “JFK” would become a $200 million hit and earn eight Oscar nominations, losing best picture to “The Silence of the Lambs.”
In reality, the movie was a confusing cut-and-paste that wound up where it wound up, which didn’t matter anyway. Weidner’s X repeatedly points out that the Feds didn’t pursue the conspiracies because they (i.e., Dulles et al.) knew they were wrong already. To that point:
“Stone created a Grand Un-Unified Theory of Kennedy’s murder, involving the CIA, the FBI, the Mafia, U.S. military and intelligence and, as an accessory after the fact, Kennedy’s vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson…. It is significant that both “JFK” and the World Wide Web were launched in 1991, setting them on a mutual trajectory that now feels eerily inevitable (the movie’s digressive structure uncannily mirrored a then-novel phenomenon called “hypertext”).”
We all got duped into believing that a movie, a fake assassination, was real. And in ‘91, they conspired to have Hollywood produce a generational imprint of that moment all over again. That is how history is written—by rewriting a lie until its the truth.
The Millennial and Gen Z Moment
This is where Millennials and Generation Z come in with JFK. They are a blank slate (except for what they heard in school, which isn’t much, but they know the gist of it). Millennials seem primed to go into a generational rejection of all things Boomer. They are just waiting for the right moment to go off on a cancellation tour to end them. This would do it. What do Millennials have invested in JFK? Nothing much.
Imagine if JFK X filled the void on TikTok, Facebook, X, and Instagram in short formats that were seen by 10-20 million. That’s a cultural disruption event.
Jay mentions in the film that a couple of other JFK-related films would be produced in response to this disclosure.
Yes, “JFK: One Day in America,” and JFK: What The Doctors Saw are media productions that started in 2023. And right after the release of JFK X, this happened on October 20th 2023:
Director Barry Levinson has climbed aboard ‘Assassination,’ the first major movie in more than 30 years about the death of President Kennedy, with Al Pacino leading the cast.
Levinson will oversee a cast that includes Al Pacino, John Travolta, Viggo Mortensen, Shia LaBeouf, and Courtney Love. Pacino will play Tony Accardo, a powerful figure in the Mafia’s Chicago organization, known as the Chicago Outfit.
‘Assassination’ will focus on the theory that the Mafia, specifically Chicago boss Sam Giancana, was behind the murder of JFK in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Al Pacino at the 94th Oscars® at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles, CA, on Sunday, March 27, 2022.
Stone, in JFK, downplayed the involvement of the Mafia in favor of the CIA. Now Levinson will flip to the other controlled op of the Mob for Assassination.
This will serve to cement further the counter-counter-narrative storyline of ‘The Mob Did It’ as opposed to the counter-narrative that the CIA did it, and the Squib will have to wait another generation to go mainstream.
Millennials, Gen Z, and Squibs
In modern Harry Potter folklore, a squib is a person born to at least one magical person with latent or hidden magic that can be passed on to regular children of the family. So, a squib is someone with unavailable magical powers. However, the squib can give rise to a wizard in their offspring.
It's all a myth that we were injured and then another myth that the wound was incurable. And then a re-telling of the myth for the next generation.
Which brings us back to today. The WaPost notes, “If a 17-year-old develops an interest in conspiracy theories today, it is less likely to be in a multiplex than through the algorithmic vortices of YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok.
“I don’t know how much relevance ‘JFK’ has today,” Updegrove says. “I’ve never seen evidence that it’s a significant work of cinema for younger audiences. But I do think it was seminal insofar as it legitimized wide-eyed conspiracy theory, and set a great precedent in how far we could push film to depict history, or purport to depict history. And that was a dangerous and irresponsible precedent.”
For Naftali, “JFK’s” record is more mixed. Despite harboring reservations about “JFK,” Naftali, who teaches history at New York University, found the film to be a valuable teaching tool until five or 10 years ago. “Even though students had been left with this implausible conspiracy involving half the government, they at least were interested in learning more about the political history of the 1960s,” he says of the young people who had seen the movie. “It was a gateway for them into historical analysis, discussion and reflection. So a brilliant movie with bad history led to better history.” Today, he says, “we’ve gone past the point where it’s useful. Students don’t know the movie and have fortunately forgotten the ludicrous mega-conspiracy personified by the great actor Donald Sutherland.”
At some point, there’s a vacuum for those under 40. No cinema or book defines JFK for them yet. Assassination and the Mob sounds like a pretty boring film. So, imagine if this movie’s message could be it. If this happens, then America’s Millennials & Gen Z will have developed a wizardry their parents never had.
JFK left, Jackie stayed, & LBJ swooned
I imagine he went off to some sunny location and that his newfound love also went with him, herself also having her death faked, and died a few years later.
His lover, Mary Meyer, had a sister who was married to the head of the CIA. That is how Jay Wieldner drops us off— another fake death.
And Jackie? She was as happy as could be. Not even a month later, we hear her voice in multiple calls from LBJ and her to him in early December.
The LBJ calls to Jacquie are downright steamy with flirtation. LBJ: “I decided I wanted to flirt with you.” JBK: “How sweet!”
LBJ: Okay. Give Caroline and John-John a hug for me.
JBK: I will.
LBJ: Tell them I'd like to be their daddy!
Jackie has such a sexual, feminine voice. It swoons LBJ. He’s all over her, and she lushes at his attention. LBJ’s desire oozes from the call. When you listen this way, knowing the squib, It will have you laughing as much as they are.
How many would have to know?
Perhaps less than twenty. And for it never to be told or leaked by anyone? Hasn’t the last four years taught us anything?
LBJ was from Texas, so he knew that end was covered. The CIA with Dulles and the mistress, Jackie willing or abetting, or the one behind it all? I left thinking she could have thought it all. How daring. Why not. John was diagnosed with Addison's disease, which was getting worse. Plus, as Jay points out, he did piss off the mob. So, risk it all to get rid of it all, leaving that life to live out his years not under a cloud of dying but as a figure like Lincoln. If that was the goal, it worked, too.
They had control of the media. None of the three networks were filming that day. And they had a body double ready to go, shot earlier that day by Oswald.
Overall, I prefer this ending. It’s a funny sort of jujitsu of cultural rug-pull.
5% quibble
In the film, Jay mentions that if there were a gunshot, not only would the person filming it react, but so would others. That has to be true. Of the fewer than a dozen people, I only noticed two sets of people reacting—the first sort of falling over (right at the time of the squib going off).
The second is at the end of the clip, and as it goes under a bridge, we see a man running in the opposite direction. He’s on the opposite side of the road from the Kennedy’s limo—to where and why is unknown.
They were in on it, and if they tried to get out, they were off’d:
Dorthy Kilgallen was a famous person in her time. She was a syndicated newspaper columnist, reporter, and panelist on the popular game show "What's My Line?" Her mysterious death just before she was going public with her research raised unanswered questions.
The movie has a rating of 3/10 on IBD! On Amazon, it’s 3.5/5. It has gamed comments, but there is real angst against this discussion. The topic will be avoided by design or just natural herd inclination: ‘whatever’ among anyone above 40 and met with ‘so what’ with anyone younger than 12, but in-between, perhaps there’s a target audience. The film came out in August of ‘23 and is still for pay-only viewing.1
1/11 spanned from 1/10 to the evening moon, seen on 1/12 when the moon was hidden within the middle of the two eclipses. I watched JFK X at that time.
Who is gonna explain this to the masses? I dunno, a Kennedy? Did they even know? There won’t be an authority who says, ‘This is correct.’ You’ll need to review the evidence and decide from there. I think most who view the film will decide, as I did, that, yes, the assassination was faked.
I also looked at the astrology chart for the date of Kennedy’s squib:
Sun is at the last degree of Scorpio at the MH (29.43), Chiron is in Pisces in the 1st House, and Saturn/Moon are conjunct in the 12th House. These highlight (in order) the cloak of secrecy, the trauma as identity, and authority hiding the truth from the people.
Knowing this, they could have timed the event to 12:30 pm and the time of death at 1 pm. It's also interesting that Chiron wasn’t even discovered until 1977.
JFK to 9/11 | Everything is a Rich Man's Trick gets it wrong. This documentary by Francis Richard Conolly gets millions of views- as does just about anything that reveals the truth, but it missed on JFK. Cut JFK X into 5-minute segments, ready for YouTube, Rumble, TikTok, X, and Kaboom.
Jay gives a lot of great background info in this podcast vid.
Intell Wars Part Two: JFKX https://youtu.be/qIvz4mDacvE?si=qeHgba7kSyuBt4fF
When Ryder first sent me this film, I wasn't impressed to the slow start of laying the foundation, but, near the last 1/2 when Jay Weidner got talking using his background in media tech knowledge (squibs & such) & the splices from the Zapruder film... also the president's well-hidden fatal illness, mob double crossings, I have NO DOUBT this is the CLOSEST to the TRUTH we have ever gotten from any independent film..... If only they would have included ALL the contrary lovefests going on in the Whitehouse at that time!