This Vlogger has an interesting perspective on the 1/11 UK/USA announcement of bombing in Yemen that started the next day. In a later video she is referring to it as war that blows up more in April.


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"On January 11, 2024. They introduced H.R. 6981, preventing private paramilitary activity act of 2024. Wonder what this could pertain to?

"Right down here at number 9. It says private paramilitary The term private paramilitary organization means any group, 3 or more persons, associating under a command structure for the purpose of a functioning in public or training to function in a public as a combat as a combat combat support, law enforcement, or any service, uh, security services units, regularly organized state militia."


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I think that "Disease X" and every reference in the media to "X" very possibly refers to the Luciferian takedown of The One True Divine Creator of Life and Love.

It has to do with XX (female) and XY (male) chromosomes and how the invading parasites self-described as "the elite" want to do away with human procreation. The demonically possessed "rulers" will eliminate as many Ys (our protector men), leaving mostly Xs (nurturing females) to remain for their next-level pillage. Their "trans-gender" push is obviously in play, which for them ideally culminates in the fulfillment of their incrementalist Cosmic Androgyne Agenda, in which "the two become one." It's a death-cult notion, for sure.

All the signs are here, already. The wayward wizards repeat their playbook over and over and over and over and over!

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Hi Sharine! I just started following Jerome (just got on substance, actually) I'm really digging his eclipse theory. You have a great point here in your response about the chromosomes and the transhuman agenda. I agree with a lot of what both of you say. This is a very interesting theory.

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Hi Mike! Thanks for chiming in. It will, I feel, require all of our perspectives to fully comprehend the massive — and massively insane — death-cult agenda. They've been at this for millennia, and now they have exotic technology to assist with their mind-control and other manipulation of the Divine Creation. We need all helping hands and sound minds on deck! Welcome aboard.

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Thx Sharine. Really nice to meet you. I like your perspectives. I'm 41, graduated high school in 01. I remember a feeling I had in the late 90s going into the 00's that my generation was the last of something. I'm considered an elder millennial. Personally, I relate more to Gen xers and Boomers but anyways this feeling was had actually before 9/11 even happened. A feeling of a big change on the horizon, a feeling of somethings not quite right. I'm a humble man....I actually enjoy not knowing everything, so I never claimed "I knew it!!" Lol but I thought I would just share that with ya. Good will prevail.

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I have a few close friends around your age. They, too, feel more at home with the other generations. I just turned 60, so I'm neither a Boomer nor a Millennial. For some reason, the media never bothered to come up with a "clever" name for those of us on the cusps. I guess "Tweeners" would work, haha.

Trusting one's intuition is more important than ever. It sounds like yours is rather keen, which is a good thing. Most people trust "experts", "authorities," and "officials," and pass off their Creator-given Rights as though these are frivolous concepts, when in fact our Rights are our super-powers! It's the mind-control. Anyway, I appreciate your experiences and perceptions.

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It's kind of why I've always been a lone wolf. I've always trusted my gut and have taken everything in life with a grain of salt. I'm starting to believe my gut being something more then just "mine".....that journey has just started in my life and I'm so thankful for it.

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"I'm starting to believe my gut being something more then just "mine""

I think so, too.

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Spot on. The launch of Starlink for mobile devices. This is the biggie imo. Its directly related to the externalization of this agenda. They have now a net completely around us with their AC GHz, and the radiation is going to be ramped up inside people immensely, This gives rise to disease X.

Externalization of the Hierarchy

When we say externalization, its going to mean different things to different people. The externalization is when something felt as known becomes seen as known. And to me its Starlink.

idk if I would call it the beast or summoning the Elohim, but Elon knows they are doing that, he's talked about it with AI but this is the precursor to his hive mind, Starlink having satellite-to-device is like a forced mandate to connect to the beast, or for the Elohim to become externalized. I am not talking about UFO's or aliens, bu t the hidden THEY who are driving this trans humanist agenda becoming known or felt inside people more.

We are now going to be getting charged incoming radiation from the sky, raining down on us? No, we are pulling it down with our devices. Its connecting everyone Up rather than Down with the ground, as our normal DC embodiment entails. If we consider the 6666 injection the precursor or the mark, the externalization of 8888 is a connection to this hive's 'god' which is demonic or satanic at is core, but that's what they are summoning.

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Lots of good points in this response.

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This is an excellent video if you've the time, just found out about it and after around ten minutes he starts talking:


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I'm 13 mins in. Thank you. This is right up my alley. I'm getting the popcorn ready.

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I am onto Part 2 now. Part one got a little slow with all the lineage stuff but he's done a great job of compiling info and showing what Clif High is saying in context.


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I just finished part 1. It really kept my attention and makes a lot of sense to me. I've been into ancient history and the Younger Dryus for awhile now. This video kind of solved the "where did all these megalithic structures come from?"question for me. We've been downgraded. I went down a human trafficking rabbit hole a few months ago, I actually wrote down a bunch of books to buy (human trafficking adjacent books also) one of them was the Cathy O'Brian book. I was so deep in the rabbit hole, I stood back, looked at my list of 6-7 books and said, "I need to take a break." It was all really getting to me. My soul needed a break. The evil you come across in that rabbit hole is unimaginable. I'm gonna watch part 2 tomorrow. Thx again for the suggestion. I really like the guy who made the video also and I was already a Clif High fan. A+ my friend! Lol

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I'm with you on all this.

Interestingly, multiplying 8x8x8x8 gives us 4096, which reduces to 10, the base for a digital, non-terrestrial, cube system. Perhaps their AC stems from this 1/0, On/Off system. Digital technology was introduced decades ago, so they've been long hyping their demonic system, slowly mesmerizing us while making analog technology appear stupid, clunky, and worthless and its users get labeled Luddites. As a musician, I refuse to have my creations be reduced solely to 1s and 0s, which is why I love performing live!

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The possible meaning of the numbers 111, 1111 and 11:11 comes from, in part, the Biblical Hebrew calendar. It is also derived from Jesus's role in the Godhead and how sin impacted King David and his throne over Israel.

There exists a repeating pattern of ones in the Hebrew (Biblical) calendar. The first day of the first Hebrew civil year began on Tishri 1 or 111 (also known as the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah).

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That makes sense this year esp, as I read that 1/10 was the the end of the winter with a certain Jewish calendar.

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