88 Eclipse Cross on 1-11-24
How DoD/NSA-AI Vaccine deployment was timed to Astrological Eclipse's and the Next Eclipse cross psyop on January 10-11th 2024.
These are the five eclipses and midpoints discussed in this post.
August 21st, 2017
December 12th, 2020 (midpoint and eclipse)
October 14th, 2023
January 11th, 2024 (midpoint)
April 8th, 2024
The eclipses happen amidst a cycle of the return of Pluto to the USA 1776 chart and the Revolution, which occurred during 1775-1783 and returns during 2020-2028. Within this already revolutionary context of the USA, these eclipses serve as triggers of expression, and the rare eclipse path crosses an opportunity to shape the country's fate or pursue its destiny.
This moment close at hand is akin to a doorway or a portal being opened.
Most were not ready for it when this Reset arrived. But to go forward, we must return to the events surrounding 2020, when this exercise revealed itself. We have not been sufficiently aware.
As the sun is eclipsed, it leaves a shadow across a part of the earth. It could be about anywhere. Eclipses are auspicious, and their interpretation has been relied upon throughout history to guide events. This is Mundane astrology, also known as our political-social or world astrology. They involve the events of geographical regions, places, and countries, and being aware of them, instead of being unaware, provides information that can, in turn, be used to reshape world events.
Our battle is physical and spiritual; they want our embodiment or death. Like you, I want to be armed with the truth to confront this evil.
Astrology is a tool. These eclipse dates (listed above) are also of the occult, providing dates that form 6666 and 88 between the eclipse crosses from the three eclipse dates. I will explain this in more detail with two videos. But know that while our scientists and politicians tell you of the invalidity of astrology to be of any consequence on the one hand, on the other, they put it into practice.
This video provides a short explanation of the timeline and how elite members of the government used mundane astrology for this exercise:
My motivation is to alert you of this mundane event. If you seek truth and want to know what is going on and what will happen, this is a reveal, a disclosure of The 88 Eclipse Cross of Texas happening on January 11th near Abilene, Texas, but let’s look back first.
You recall this photo from August 2017, with President Trump looking up and pointing toward the eclipse without glasses. Isn’t he pointing out the obvious?
Americans went outside nationwide that August to view the 2017 eclipse. It'd been 99 years since a total solar eclipse was so accessible to Americans nationwide (image of ‘18 path).
Eclipses happen about every 18 months. The above eclipse path is the first of the three to be examined. This formed the first part of the eclipse cross on August 21, 2017.
The Great American Eclipse of 6666
An X cross will be made with the upcoming eclipse on April 8th, 2024. On the date these two eclipses met, something more sinister, a deception, an illusion, occurred.
There is more than a strange coincidence of the eclipse timing. It’s six years, six months, six weeks, and six days between the dates of the two eclipses. Between 2017 and 2024, the eclipse midpoint was on December 14th, 2020, and it too coincided with an eclipse.
The military refers to the continental USA as CONUS. And it is very rare for an eclipse to cross over the USA.
In this video, I give a historical overview and show how rare it is, along with a few other references:
It was noted within the astrological community that this was about to commence and appeared to hold significant importance.
But the exact details of what the government, through the military, did on that day, on 12/14/20, raised the stakes.
On the exact midpoint of the eclipse cross, December 14th, 2020, the first COVID-19 vaccine was deployed to the American people. The military, through the NSA and DoD, used mundane astrological timing to release the vaccines in the USA. Let’s investigate the involvement of the military operation further during the run-up to this date in 2020.
Pompeo, the former CIA chief in charge of this “live exercise,” was the Secretary of Defense at the time.1 He appears to be taking command without informing Trump, who has no resistance. Who is really in charge?
Where did that assumption to mobilize the military come from? Who was Trump relying on for his information and guidance? Up until that point in 2020, we were told that a vaccine did not even exist. And was this “exercise” under USA military control or some other force?
Two days before the release of the vaccine, the Government released a PR detailing the rollout of the vaccine across the nation.
On the same day, December 12th, the military released it in 12 military bases and hospitals of CONUS. These correspond with population density. However, they look like very strategic places on a map. If you were to defend the heartland of the US, these spots are strategically selected.
The placement of the 8 stands out, as that sits atop where the next eclipse cross is on 1/11/24, which we will cover later. Here’s part of their PR using numbers to align with the overall 6666 mundane alignment on 12/14/2020:
Do you see it? The number of numbers that add up to six abound litter this PR.
Is this just another coincidence? Or is it an occult numerological craft on display?
The December 14th, 2020, eclipse path was over South America. This midpoint eclipse did not travel over the US, but at that very time, the vaccine deployment was activated to correspond with the timing of the eclipse.
December 14th 2020 was the midpoint between the eclipses. 1,211 days after the first, and 1,211 before the second. On this day, the first COVID-19 vaccine was administered, Biden was voted by Congress as the winner of the election, and there was also a total solar eclipse.
Why would our government unleash a vaccine upon its citizens timed to a total solar eclipse? Because it's a powerful stamp of time. Mundane astrology has long understood what today’s atheists mock—they don’t even have a basic understanding of our realm. The eclipse date is full of 6’s; their press release was full of 6’s, the timing was full of 6’s, and even the town at the eclipse cross called Carbondale, the element of Carbon on the periodical table equals 666.2
It is all very silly on the one hand, but this was an occult ritual— one that they believe. It went according to their plan. It fooled many:
The masses were gullible and fell hard for this “miracle” of science, almost like a new religion. Their Science is being mocked openly by the Government they praise. It is the exact opposite of what they believe. With deadly consequences:
This will rank as the most vastly engineered psychological operation of deception in our time, with dire consequences. Before going further into the symbology of 88 and the Texas eclipse cross, I wanted to check with Chat GPT and get its response to this narrative:
There is nothing theoretical about any of the above information. The research of the vaccine delivery program matches up entirely with the timing of the astrological events.
The use of eclipses and numerology in this manner is not a coincidence or a conspiracy. Part of it is recognizing the time, and the other part is figuring out what to do with it. We all go through this exercise for anything we do. The military was calling the shots, the Deep State, AI— or someone intelligent enough to use timed decisions and deliberate use of numerology to get a result.
The X —at its very midpoint— timed the launch of the covid 19 vaccination on December 14th, 2020. But that’s not all. There are two. If you watched the historical video I put on this, you will know how rare it is for even one, two is unprecedented.3
The Great Texas Eclipse of 88
With the eclipse path from the upcoming eclipses in October and April, another X, another eclipse cross, is placed on the continental USA. This time, it is over Texas. At midnight, January 10-11th, 2024, is the second eclipse cross.
What will the X of the Texas Cross be timed for on January 10-11, 2024?
Is time up? How will our government or those who wish to achieve power and persuasion attempt to use this against us? To deceive the people again? What if people know what’s up? Then what?
We see 8. Two days, or the middle of 8|8. This has an exact time and place in Texas, with 88 days on either side.
The exact middle of the two eclipses is in The Grotto, and it's inside Lost Maples, Vanderpool-- A State Natural Area (not a Park). Its symbol is a door, an opening, a leaving, the end, or the beginning again. This one we know in advance; we know of it. They have no advantage for trickery and deception when their plans are disclosed.
Is this another psyop or nothing?
Rather than 666 the alchemical use of the number 88 is in play as a cross within a cross. With the first cross, 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days was the midpoint between the first (2017) and the third eclipse (2024). With the second cross, there are 88 days on either side of the midpoint between the third (2023) and fourth (2024) eclipses. An X within an X.
The 88 will respond to 666, setting up the ultimate conflict in 2024 when both exercises are crossed on the same day, on the 3rd eclipse, April 8th, 2024. I will describe a few potential scenarios that might occur, but first I want to discuss how these astrological symbols have been debased by the same powers using them to inflict their agenda upon us.
The Magic Within Our Celestial Sky
88 has significant power and is debased as affiliated with Nazis, a common practice of the powers we confront over these mundane astrological indicators. Like this, which needs no explanation as to its vilification:
They’ve stolen wisdom and portrayed it as associated with evil.
This eclipse cross of 88 days mirrors the movement of the sun and moon, which come together at the infinity point for an eclipse. To see the slides below in a video, go here:
The planet Mercury has a cycle around the Sun of 88 days. In the Periodic Table, radium is 88 and represents the Sun, while 86 is radon and represents Mercury. The Sun and Mercury are always tightly together, like radium and radon. Ra.
This is magic, in a way, mundane magic. It is there for good or ill.
What Is Going to Happen?
One cannot pinpoint a prediction out of astrological indicators. We can look at its energy, information, placement, and repeated rhymes in the constellations. We can look at the event's signature to see its potential pattern.
Similar Astro-indicators used for the vaccine exercise in December 2020 are present again in January 2024. Something BIG might happen on January 10-11, 2024. Something as big as what happened on December 14th, 2020.
January is the month of Janus—the Two-faced Roman God who opens the door or gateway, a portal. I wrote most of this article and did the videos in July 2023. I looked toward the Lionsgate portal in August, on 8/8/23, to perhaps explain the upcoming 88 event in January. That 8/8 day is when they struck Maui.
This eclipse cross of 88 brings us into the occult around Donald Trump and his Presidential election plan. Trump and Germania provide the number 88. The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary happen directly after the eclipse cross. The New Hampshire primary is on the 22nd. Does this mean he returns as the Republican nominee? Presidential candidate Kennedy also could part of what happens, having released a PR using 88 and14 about the SS (Secret Service) Biden refusing him, and pointing out the Nazis?
Texas Governor Abbott will be significant if it is about Texas. Does his background and CONVID emergency tactics reveal a coordinated conflict in Texas? Is Abbott part of the controlled opposition that will create a conflict between the State of Texas and the Federal government to instigate violence?
And it could involve this hyped X disease as well. And Twitter, now X. We need to be aware. There are others this century involving other countries,4 but 2024 is the big one for the USA.
April Update:
From X with some notes from research about upcoming mid-points of eclipses. As I note in a reply, the timing of frequencies being released. At the same time, 5G and Starlink into the MMW frequencies of GHz cause cancer and disease X, an opening of perception and sense doors beyond the traps in our minds, opening to seeing the future and past, and such things are available beyond the five senses. Matters are always in balance.
For every solar eclipse before 1/11/24, there is another one after exactly the same amount of days. For every lunar eclipse before 1/11/24, there is another one after exactly the same amount of days from 1/11/24— the midpoint of every pair of eclipses. There are important dates for their occult, mundane use of these midpoints. The same works with the 4/8/24 eclipse.

Note the mid-dates for future events.
See this video for an alternate factual-based interpretation of this quote by Pompeo. Perhaps the asteroids surprised them in the middle of the just launched Covid psyop. Trump was embedded in the latter but not ready for the potential impact of the asteroids. The “you should have let us know” is a reference then to the potential of an asteroid impact:
The maximum duration, 2 minutes and 41.6 seconds, occurs just south of Carbondale, Illinois, an area known as Little Egypt:
The most recent X cross was about 190 years ago.... the annular solar eclipse of February 12, 1831. Then, in 1834, another eclipse, and the X cross was centered near Atlanta. At its crossing point was where a slave uprising led by Nat Turner began, which many pinpoint as protending the Civil War.
In 1776, at the time of the Revolution, it was the last full eclipse path across the entirety of the continental USA. The video I created for X details the history of eclipse crosses over the USA:
I am going to go out on a limb here, risking nothing, to predict what will happen with the Jan 11th midpoint. This has never happened before, so its a guess, but its educated by mundane events. Recall that the first two times this happened was during the Revolution, and as a precursor to the Civil War with the Nat Turner event in Georgia. So it is a war-time event. Is there a war?
It could be that things spin into WWW 3, but in my mind, they launched this war in 2017. There is a clip of Fauci bragging about Coronavirus in late 2017, right after the first eclipse that set this off. The 6666 midpoint on 12/14/20, the first X, was an externalization event, as described in this post. The second midpoint of the second X then is also an externalization event, but there is something about it too that is a rebound, or the second shoe dropping.
What I believe might happen is a repudiation of the mrna vaccine. A halting or suspension of it, and possibly the Democrats lashing out against Trump. What else do they have? I''ve described it as their last card.
It could be some other sort of war externalization, but the ongoing war is the one the Pentagon has been waging against the bodies of people everywhere. More and more people recognize this, and thus, 1/11 represents a tipping point. Fauci will speak on the 9th and 10th before Congress, likely a scapegoat moment.
Lets see. Predicting astrology information is so difficult. You can tell the energy but not the manifestation usually, but I have been pondering this and its what I see as upcoming. Regardless, 2024 is going to make 2020 look tame imo.
This has come to my attention:
“All tests will occur within 13 specific terrestrial test locations identified in Exhibit B with a radius of 100 km around each site.... To ensure adequate testing and compatibility with a wide range of devices, SpaceX and T-Mobile seek authority to use 2,000 test devices."
The 180 day test. 2000/13 is 33.33 devices in each of the 13 locations--Just some occult numerology.
On Thursday, December 12th, "the FCC issued the company an "experimental special temporary authorization" to conduct the test, which will involve beaming the satellite connectivity to unmodified T-Mobile phones on the ground. SpaceX has 180 days, or until June 14, to conduct the pilot."
Two days later, on December 17th, the US Space Command announced it has reached "full operational capability," whatever that means. So just like the 12/12/20 test they did of the military with the vaccine, on 12/12/23, Starlink launches its test. Both tests are in 11 locations (though the PR announces 13 see exhibit B-- this discrepancy is very odd).
Everything about this covid exercise is a shiny object. The injections are crucial to their plan. Obviously they planned them out, had them in storage, and knew what they did (to an extent probably not the side effects), and that they center around making people more conductive-- Every part of this carbon/metals/electrical conductor roll-out (the wider picture) is about making bodies more conductive, at the same time they wrap around a Starlink, at the same time 5G is introduced.
In fact, Starlink many times has tried to delay 5G and vice versa too. This may be the underlying two sides competing for the same prize— us. And that’s where the real war is behind the facade of everything shiny.