I write occasional posts about the books I am writing or the adventures I am having somewhere, the orchard, or somewhere I am at online or in a book.
I write notes about the world today.
I am the author of Ganga Land (upcoming), Uncovering Vyāyāma in Yoga (2023), Calcutta Yoga (2020), and other books. MA’s in linguistics and philosophy, PhD from George Mason. My 2021 dissertation on Embodied Peacemaking is online. My YouTube and Oddesey channels follow my travels.
I was online in the mid-90s with the Well and Free Republic, Blogfather in the 00’s, Vox Media cofounder, worked over 40 US and international campaigns, and three Presidential races… and then… everything went sideways from Dec ‘19 on. Facebook and Twitter became censored and banned wrong-think. I was canceled from politics, media, and America. The emergence of this tech body AI into our lives is disembodied, and I do not comply.
I want to become more embodied, grounded, free, and happy with the people I live alongside. We live in Tanzania, Africa, next to our fruit orchard and the Maasai, a retreat on the land.