Sep 6Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Loved hearing about your experience in India. Constantly walking around barefoot has opened up some relationships with my Indian neighbors.

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Reminded me of the time I was hitchhiking to Freedom, and got stuck in Liberty, Maine. We do live in interesting times, and will watch the election with that in mind. We can be grounded with our shoes on. Tree branch hanging out has been a passion of mine since childhood.

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haha, life's a trip. Some shoes probably, depends on the sole, but most rubber probably tests like this:


I just discovered tree branch hanging this summer, and wow was it tough to start out, took me a couple of months to reach a minute. I love it.

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Hanging is Good, Dropping's a Bit Much. We can ground simply by being grounded.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Re your line "Causation is undeniable, in my opinion, and is creating a full-blown health and mental crisis." Yes, and not just 5G - all wireless radiation is doing that - even BCBS (blue cross blue shield) noted in their ~ 2017 report a dramatic adverse change in the health of Millenials - esp mental health.

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Sep 5Liked by Jerome Armstrong

"they" don't care who's in the hot seat, as long as the digital currency infrastructure keeps going up. 5G.

Then the crash, then the discreditation of national government, then they've succeeded in total monetary control.

Great analysis.

That's why non of them are against 5G . Cheers

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Thanks Mick. We probably have to go through this process, and at the moment of the crash, we will see if enough are able to resist and not comply with what they have planned.

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Sep 5Liked by Jerome Armstrong

"This is the year of the Wood Dragon, and a fire is being started."

Ahh, so true, Jerome! I just added Rick Rubin's book and workbook to my must-have list. Thank you for the recommendation, as I have needed something to rekindle my creative flame.

Let us be the fabulous creators of joy that Our Great Creator intends for us!

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

Thanks Sharine, I was in Rishikesh, taking a ferry across the Ganges, and struck up a conversation with a young man from Argentina. He was new and looking for a beach, so I offered to walk with him past Lakhsman Jhula and show him one. On the way he asked what I was up to and I explained my frustration and creative process of writing. Like I did above, with the artist and the carver.

He kept on finishing my sentences, or adding a bit that confirmed my thoughts. I finally said, hey, are you a writer. He said no. OK then, are you some sort of mind-reading deva as whats going on here, you are the first person I've met who not just understood it, but already knew it, finished my thoughts aloud! Then he smiled and told me to read this book from Rubin, and I pointed him to one of my favorite hidden beaches there, so it was a nice exchange.

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Sep 6Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Whoa! Jerome, that is a coooool story! I placed my order for Rubin's book and the accompanying workbook earlier this evening. Based on your comment here, I feel like this combo could initiate some good, healthy creativity of my own. I have been feeling bereft over the last 6-7 years or so. And honestly, that might be a good thing given the growth I have experienced in other aspects of my life during that decade. Like, letting a field lie fallow to regenerate the soil naturally, and you wait and wait, until there is a year or two of plentiful rain and sun, and then WOW! the garden grows. You know what I'm saying?

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

I went though that same stage from around 2010 to 2015. I was forlorn, the life was perfect but something was missing. Finally one day, someone told me what it was. I was out riding a bike and saw one of those tarot or psychic reader signs along Route 1 that are so prevalent. Why not, I thought. She looked at my astro chart too. Then said, you used to do something with your hands all the time, and stopped? It could have just been a generic prompt, but it got me thinking-- I had given up blogging and writing at that time. So I decided to open to writing again, but didn't want to online, and that's when a number of paths and doors opened leading me to write books instead. Sometimes we just need to wait a while for the passion to overcome the resistance, and it might be a new way.

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Sep 6Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Thank you for that story, Jerome. Yes, it is about honoring one's own path, in spite of the anguish!

I have always been a creative writer, musician, and photographer, but these last few years have been so EMPTY of my PASSION for creating. Yes, I have been singing other people's songs. I love it and I always strive to do my best performance every time. None of us are given a guarantee to live another minute, right?! But I miss the process of songwriting.

I will see how things go with the book and . . . opening up to LIFE around me for inspiration!

Congratulations on your book writing!

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"They want Federal ID, Federal Digital Currency, and the ability to remove power from the States. That’s what hindered their lockdown plans for the USA."

They will settle for a Civil War 2 with getting their "toys" in play on the blue side,

thinking they may be able to lay siege to rural populations via military actions.

You have definitely hit on the real probability with the 2-president Civil War scenario.

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If you look at this way, you can see they are capturing territories. Cities first, like their core global group of 40, then the hinterlands will be places they clean up. I've thought this way ever since the mask wars. In fact, in Virginia, the places where the mask wars were the strongest mapped out right at places where the civil war was the hottest. And the divide, Alexandria, between masked and unmasked, was in the same places!

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Expats returning to the USA in the next few months

may wonder where to chance their arrival.

Somewhere in the northern plains or Rockies may be safest.

Hopefully such trips could be postponed until after the war ends.

Texas will be under a 'zionist' rendition of shariah law.

California may resemble a Mad Max sequel, with zombies.

"Cascadia" may be paved with minefields.

Destinations north of Georgia may be suicidal.

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Sep 5Liked by Jerome Armstrong

I wrote my autobiography and I thought it was complete but over time I found that I needed to add and add again episodes that I had temporarily forgotten. It is still evolving....

Loved this post and especially this bit:

"Their way forward is the dystopia of a transhuman digital tech-body delusion on a planet devoid of thriving life (low CO2 environments increase reptilian mutations—what they are doing with the carbon sequestration is packing the wealth below the earth for their consumption model after a cyclical climate change event they are blaming on humans). Get more grounded to reset your frequency of information beyond what they believe will put us under surveillance and control."

I tried to explain about the predator class viewing all life as a contaminant and replacing it with their own design (GMOs etc) during this interview with Doc Malik. I think you will agree with what I said there:


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Bitchute has some videos on their agenda around carbon, but I couldn't find the one of this old hippy guy explaining what exactly they are doing. But found some others

On on Gates:


One on Musk:


And one from Patrick Moore:


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Sep 6Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Patrick Moore tells the truth. The other two are mentally ill.

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The radical realignment of body structure connecting to external detachment, through a commitment to the practices has to be experienced to be believed, understanding of it is not truly necessary. It is an out of body yet incredibly grounding, peaceful feeling that really does only arrive after the mental let go. Great post Jerome.

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I remember reading parts of the Abidhamma over and over while I did Vipassana courses in the 90s, and whenever I finally experienced a few of its explanations, it wasn't anything like I thought or imagined. The mind cannot go there, and can only grasp what happened at the very tail end of the experience. Thanks.

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Sep 5Liked by Jerome Armstrong

Very interesting political take, if it doesn't work out like that it still makes for a great novel.

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